EF Core is designed to work with .NET Core and .NET 5 and later, making it more versatile and suitable for modern applications. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations. EF Core works with SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, SQLite, Azure Cosmos DB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and other databases through a provider plugin API. The Entity Framework is an Object/Relational Mapping (O/RM) framework that maps objects to relational databases. EF Core is designed to work with .NET Core applications but can also be used with standard .NET Framework applications based on Framework 4.5 or higher.

Most people use EF Core by installing pre-build NuGet packages, as shown above. Install the provider package corresponding to your target database. I have School and Student entities that are mapped to the tables with the same name in database. There is a one to many association between them(School has many students). An ORM Framework like Entity Framework or EF Core can do all of the above for us and saves a lot of time if we provide the required information to the ORM Framework. The ORM Framework sits between our application code and the Database.

EF Core Overview Discover What is EF Core and Why You Should Use it

Some of the commands we’ll be running in this video include dbcontext scaffold, migration add, and database update. These commands will allow us to create and execute a database migration that adds a People table, which will be accessible with our Person class. Eager loading is a technique used to load related entities along with the main entity in a single database query. It is the opposite of lazy loading, where related data is loaded on-demand, potentially resulting in multiple database queries. In eager loading, you specify which related entities you want to load when querying the main entity, and the ORM fetches all the requested data in a single query. This can help improve performance by reducing the number of database round trips, especially when dealing with complex object graphs.

what is entity framework core

The value of “The” finds its way into the generated SQL’s where clause. Unlike the previous query, this example only uses the Rating entity, which results in the following SQL. The first approach is to use the DbSet on our EntertainmentDbContext class. The discriminator is an important mechanism that we’ll see used later in this post’s query section. To get started, I recommend folks install the latest version of the .NET 5 SDK.


It eliminates the need for most custom data-access codes we usually write without an ORM. We still need to retrieve the data from the database and map it to our data model. This is a feature that allows you to query data from a database without keeping track of the retrieved entities’ changes. The purpose of using “NoTracking” is primarily for read-only scenarios or when you don’t intend to update or persist changes to the database for the entities you retrieve. From my previous experience with Entity Framework 6, I find the generated SQL of EF Core more readable and concise. EF Core still falters around some strange edge cases, but the EF team is actively working to support more complex LINQ to SQL translations.

  • EF Core seamlessly integrates with Language Integrated Query (LINQ), a powerful query language provided by .NET languages like C#.
  • Aggregation is one of the most important reasons to use a relational database, and with LINQ, using an aggregate function like Sum, Average, and Max is straightforward.
  • This choice significantly improves performance when fetching data from a query.
  • EF Core is optimized for performance and scalability, with features such as query caching, lazy loading, batching, and asynchronous query execution.

Therefore, it’s crucial to use this method carefully, reserving it for situations where you only need to retrieve data and not modify entities. When using AsNoTracking(), the database context will not maintain an internal state of the retrieved entities. This means there will be no tracking of changes made to these entities, making the data retrieval process faster and more efficient. These methods are essential because they allow deferring the execution of queries until the actual results are requested. Additionally, they convert the results into convenient data structures such as lists, dictionaries, or arrays that can be easily used in the application. This approach provides better control over when queries are executed and yields optimized results for further processing.


EF Core 5 applies an approach known as Table-per-hierarchy (TPH), where we store hierarchically related entities in a single table. When we finish setting up our project, we can run the dotnet-ef command, where the EF unicorn will greet us. If we now make a call to the endpoint GetAllTodoWithItems we will see that the entity and its respective items have been deleted from our database. We recommend using the daily builds to get the latest code and provide feedback on Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.

This choice significantly improves performance when fetching data from a query. This provides detailed control over the mapping between the entity class and the database table. Scaffolding is a reverse engineering technique that allows us to create entity classes and a DbContext based on the schema of a database. The EF Core supports relational and non-relational databases, which is possible due to the database providers. The Database Provider sits between the EF Core and the Database it supports.

What is Entity Framework Core?

However, it’s a common convention to name it after the database and add the “Context” suffix. This way, if you have multiple DbContext classes, you can easily distinguish them. Most people what is entity framework use Microsoft.Data.Sqlite by installing pre-build NuGet packages, as shown above. Alternately, the code can be built and packages can be created directly on your development machine.

what is entity framework core

The following diagram shows the supported types of applications that we can develop using EF Core. Entity Framework Core supports many database providers to access different databases and perform database operations. The code may compile in without any issues but problems can show up in runtime.

Most of the time, we won’t use ADO.NET in our applications; instead, we’ll use an ORM (Object Relational Mapper), and in .NET Core, the most commonly used one is Entity Framework Core. The EF 6.x is a stable and fully tested ORM technology in many .NET Framework applications. The application targets .NET Core, e.g., ASP.NET Core Applications. Entity Framework Core is the new and improved version of the Entity Framework for .NET Core applications.

what is entity framework core

Change tracking in EF Core is a mechanism that keeps track of changes made to entities. It enables EF Core to detect which entities have been modified and need to be updated in the database when SaveChanges is called. Change tracking is essential for maintaining data consistency between the application and the database. Likely the most complex query in this list, let’s find actors playing characters in different productions. We’ll need to start at the Actors entity and navigate through the Characters collection while including the Production information.

EF Core uses the naming convention of [Entity]Id to map values to the in-memory object instance. Developers can override EF Core conventions, but I recommend folks starting with EF Core use the default conventions. We can use the NuGet tool window to find and install all these packages into our project. The DbContext class is the primary class that allows us to query our data, manage the database connection, and ensure that the mapping is correct. Hello everyone, in the previous article, we provided an overview of how to access data from our database through ADO.NET.

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